Indian Chai is a tea that mixes a series of herbs and spices, resulting in a delicious and particular flavor. Among the main ingredients of Indian Chai are green tea, black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, clove, nutmeg, and sweet pepper, among others.
This tea is usually prepared with milk, although many prefer to enjoy it only with water, and it is always sweetened with honey.
Even if today it is easy to find it in some supermarkets, some prefer to prepare this excellent combination of herbs and spices in their homes and add their personal touch.
Combining these herbs and spices results in a unique, intense flavor with recognized properties such as anti-oxidant, digestive, and anti-inflammatory, among others.
In this recipe, I matched the exquisite flavor of Indian Chai to a dessert internationally recognized for its delicacy and elegance, the Pannacotta.
4 leaves of gelatin (fish tail)
1 1/3 cups whole milk
2 ¼ cups cream
1 teaspoon cardamom - Grated
1 teaspoon nutmeg - Grated
2 sticks cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ginger
1 tablespoon sweet cloves
- 1 teaspoon sweet pepper
½ cup icing sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
½ cup sugar
½ cup water
2 cups strawberries
- 1 lemon
For the panacota
For the strawberries coulis you will need
For the panacota
Soak the gelatin leaves in a bowl covered with cold water to soften them.
Boil the milk and cream in a pot with a thick bottom, constantly mixing with a whisk. Add cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, sweet cloves, and sweet pepper. Add also the icing sugar and the vanilla.
Bring the chai on medium heat, constantly mixing to avoid sticking. When the mixture begins to boil, turn off the heat and add the soaked gelatin, with the tea still hot, and dissolve well until there are no gelatin lumps.
Strain the mixture, trying to eliminate all traces of the species. Place it in a large bowl and let it chill at room temperature. When cold, put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes covering the bowl with film paper. When it begins to thicken, transfer the mixture to the ramekins and bring them back to the refrigerator for 3 or 4 hours.
For the strawberries coulis
Make a light syrup with water and sugar.
Remove the leaves from the strawberries, cut them in half and place them in the blender. Add the lemon juice and two tablespoons of hot syrup. Let them rest for two minutes to allow the strawberries to release their juice. Blend and strain the mixture to remove the seeds and let them cold down at room temperature. Bring the mixture into the fridge to use later to decorate the pannacotta.
Plating the pannacota
Unmold the pannacotta before serving and place them directly on the plate where you will present them. Cover each one with strawberry coulis and complete the presentation with a fresh strawberry cut in half.
Pay attention when using the gelatin leaves. The pannacotta's charm comes from its delicate texture. An excess of gelatin would turn this delicious dessert into a simple gelatin of milk and cream.
Do not abuse the syrup in the coulis. A slight touch of syrup is all you will need to give the coulis that ideal shine and texture.
Serve the pannacotta after having chilled for at least 4 hours, never before, and be very careful when unmolding them. Remember that it is a dessert with a soft texture, which could easily be damaged. Be patient when it comes to unmolding them; it’s worth it.