20 bites
Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Do you want to impress your guests with some exotic and delicious finger-foods? These bites are very easy to prepare, but at the same time its presentation is impeccable and the flavor is spectacular. You will surely leave your guests surprised and happy.
Fake caviar and balsamic vinaigrette are two of the easiest and most practical molecular cooking techniques**, since you can prepare them really fast. The fake caviar you can make it with basically any liquid ingredient in your kitchen and, applying for both of the recipes, will keep for a long time without the need for refrigeration, so you can prepare them with advance and only serve them just before eating.
** Molecular gastronomy is the application of scientific principles to the understanding and development of the preparation of domestic kitchens. This is related to the study and analysis of the physicochemical properties of food and the technological processes to which they are subjected, such as shaking, gelling, and viscosity increase, to name a few. All this will depend on the ingredients that are selected, the mixtures that are made between them and the techniques that are applied. Foods are organic compounds (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and vitamins) and minerals that, when subjected to processing, are capable of manifesting their properties by transforming themselves into foams, emulsions, gels or other structures that can be infinite in gastronomy, given that it is continually innovating. Wikipedia/Gastronomia Molecular
The world of molecular cuisine is comparable to visiting an amusement park. Once you enter, you just have to enjoy the games!
- 1 ½ cup olive oil
- 2 gr agar-agar
- ½ cup balsamic vinegar
- 2 gr Xhantan gum
- 1 cup olive oil
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice
- Mix of fresh herbs (to taste)
- Salt and pepper (to taste)
- 20 firm cherry tomatoes
- 60 gr of goat cheese cut into small squares
- Thyme leaves
- Salt and pepper to will
- 1 syringe or pipette
- Cold water to rinse the balsamic caviar
For the fake balsamic caviar
For the molecular vinaigrette
to built your recipe
You will also need
Preparing the fake caviar of balsamic vinegar
Put the olive oil in a tall glass, cover it with cellophane paper and bring it to the freezer for 30 minutes.
In a thick-bottomed pot, mix the balsamic vinegar with the agar-agar and bring it to a boil.
Place the balsamic vinegar in a kitchen syringe or in a pipette.
Transfer the balsamic vinegar mixture, drop by drop, into the glass of cold olive oil. Here you have THE secret of this recipe success, you must have a lot of patience and not despair when forming your balsamic caviar.
With a perforated spoon or a small strainer, collect the drops of balsamic and rinse them in a bowl with cold water.
For the molecular vinaigrette
Remove any stems your herbs may have and cut them subtly. Mix in a blender with the rest of the ingredients for this step. Reserve it to use it later.
Building your Balsamic tomatoes
Cut the top of all your tomatoes and delicately clean the inside to form edible cups. Add a little of the molecular vinaigrette inside each tomato.
Place a square of goat cheese inside each tomato.
Place the balsamic vinegar caviar on the top of your tomatoes.
Decorate with thyme leaves and grounded pepper to taste.
Enjoy it!
Recipe Note
1.: The olive oil container should be tall to give the drops time to form.
2.: It is important to let balsamic and Agar-Agar to boil for at least for 30 seconds, to reach the perfect result.
3.: Reheat the balsamic if it starts to harden.
4.: You can conserve this balsamic caviar drops in your fridge for about 2 weeks.
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- Tags:
- balsamic vinegar caviar
- Cherry tomato
- cream cheese
- goat cheese
- modernist cuisine
- molecular cuisine
- Molecular vinaigrette
- thymo