Molecular Cuisine
Prep Time
45 minutes
Molecular cuisine generally turns your kitchen into a laboratory where you create beautiful dishes. It is a perfect excuse to get out of your comfort zone and take your favorite recipes to another level.
Many people are still unaware or scared of this trend in modern gastronomy. However, the fear may be due to the lack of knowledge of the products used to prepare these dishes. These ingredients allow you to transform everyday dishes into beautiful works of art.
The additives used to prepare molecular cuisine are derived chiefly from organic products. For this recipe, for example, the additive I have used is Agar-Agar, which is nothing more than a mixture of seaweed that achieves a long-lasting gelling action in your culinary creations.
Find out more about this wonderful gastronomic world and reinvent what you already know to make even more enjoyable your next visit to your kitchen.
Bring your oil to the refrigerator in a tall glass and keep it there for at least 40 minutes.
In a thick-bottomed pot, mix the Agar-Agar with the mint liquor and bring it to a boil.
Immediately, fill your syringe with the mixture and slowly drop it into the glass with icy oil to form your spheres, paying attention to not pressing so hard to avoid the spheres being too big.
Pass your spheres through the filter and rinse them with cold water until all the oil residue is removed. You can conserve the spheres for several days in your fridge.
Suggestions for serving your Mint-spheres
You can prepare as many recipes as your imagination allows, but I recommend this unique cocktail of my authorship to share with your friends.
Sweet minty dream
Mix all the ingredients and serve them in a martini glass garnished with a slice of lemon.
- Tags:
- Cocina molecular
- Cocktails
- esferas de menta
- fake caviar
- Menta
- mint
- mint-spheres
- modernist cuisine
- molecular cuisine